Monday, May 20, 2013

Get Out to Vote

REMEMBER: The Primary Election Day is tomorrow. Go out and vote for the person, or people, who you think should be on the ballot for this upcoming election. Remember, you can do write-ins!

A fun nugget; if you live in Lower Providence, you may have gotten a robocall from the Republican Committee Chairman, Jim Van Horn, saying to vote for the endorsed Republicans. What's fun is at the end: it's not paid for by the Lower Providence/Worcester GOP--it's paid for by a political action committee, Save Our Schools. What makes it more fun is that the call came from the Montgomery County GOP.

This is embarrassing for the Republicans: why would they let a PAC hijack the phone lines and allow them to put out a robocall? Why wasn't the Montgomery GOP paying for the call? Why wasn't Lower Providence or Worcester paying for it? There are two candidates from each township running for school board!

If you're a Republican, go and vote tomorrow, and ask your committee person about that call. All political parties should be open with their members, and this is a fallacy to a huge degree. Someone should answer for it.

And when you're done voting: come out to Methacton High School, at 7:00 PM. That's when the school board meeting is, and they're voting on the budget. NOW is the time to ask about the tax increase, and demand a zero percent (or 1.7%) increase. The budget is due in June and we only have two meetings after this one before the end date. It's crunch time people.

Get out and vote!

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