Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Notes From the June 25th Meeting

NOTE: If you want to watch the board meeting yourself, tune to Lower Providence's Community Channel (Comcast channel 28, FiOS channel 42) the Wednesday after the meeting at 6 PM, or that Friday and Sunday at 12 AM, 8 AM, or 6 PM. Or, here is their YouTube channel.

- Well, immediately into the meeting, after the pledge to the flag, Mrs. Petrauskas calls an executive session for about twenty minutes. That's fine (although, waiting to start the meeting after the exec session would have been smoother), and it's legal. What I have a problem with is the Board of School Directors have an apparent problem properly announcing, under the law, why they are meeting in executive session before they walk in. Their habit is to wait until the last minute, which is usually post-meeting or the next official school board meeting, making sure no one goes to file a complaint (because the Sunshine Law fine, if found guilty, is $1,000 for the first offence out of each director's pocket). If the board wants to prove they're "transparent" or "open", this would be a welcome step.

- The due date for MSD's budget to be passed is June 30th, and we're about five days early. The skinny on the budget: A tax rate increase of 1.85% was approved (over the normal 1.7% index, but MSD has an extension to 2.95% with the PSERS exception), which is a millage increase of 0.5. The belt was tightened and the fat's been cut, but it's only going to get tighter from here on out. The PSERS contribution rate for school districts is increase at an almost-cartoonish rate, the economy is still bad, and people are leaving the MSD community. I still firmly believe that the MSD taxpayers deserve a zero percent increase, but even with an increase such as this, it's a step in the right direction. However, I expect more drastic measures for budgetary balance in the coming years.

- Here's some fun: Methacton now has two lawyer firms representing them. Dischell, Bartle and Dooley is now Methactons' solicitor, which will now handle "all legal matters except those of special education, pupil services and student disability related matters". If you're wondering who will handle all of those except portions, it's Sweet, Stevens, Katz and Williams, whom the district has worked with before. Now, what happened that either makes Methacton a) distrust Sweet, Stevens, Katz, and Williams that they felt they had to go with another law firm for solicitor and b) make them keep two law firms under the fold and now just use one. The terms of the agreement(s) weren't disclosed, and I don't know if they ever will be, but I can tell you that it will be more expensive than just keeping one law firm.

- There was a third law firm, however, that didn't get approved but tabled tonight. John Ellison of Reed Smith LLP was to represent Methacton in the case James Mollick v. James T. Van Horn and the Methacton School District litigation. From what is said at the school board meeting, one party of this lawsuit is holding out, and it's causing the insurance companies representing the school district to watch out in their own interests (read: they're tired of the lawsuit). Which means the school district will have to pay. Well, they have to pay soon anyway, but you get the picture.

What was brought up by Mr. Phillips, was on June 18th, the day of the work session that this whole brouhaha was brought into the light, was that John Ellison entered the courtroom, representing the school district, without board approval. Dr. Miller said that this was so Ellison could try and push back the July 2nd court date and better represent the board. I don't know, seeing the lawyers and the moves they made under The Mighty Quinn that is causing MSD to keep pulling skeletons out of the various closets up at Farina, how much of that is true, or even better, if there's more not being talked about.

- I normally don't talk about comments the public made during this point, but I'll add this one in. A member of the public made a comment about the list of bills, specifically one involving Mr. Roth, and that it didn't pass the smell test: he would have voted on the list of bills on a bill involving him. After talking to Dr. Miller, Roth recused himself from voting on that item. During the old business portion of the meeting, Roth made clear why he was getting compensated from the School District: he volunteered resources and his time teaching students at Worcester during an environmental science class about plants and they made a desert plant scene. The Home and School was compensating his company, and their funds were maintained by the school district, so the board has to cut a check for the Home and School if they're paying for something. Roth took offense that a member of the public accused him of nepotism, but that's just it. The board, again being transparent as they've always been, never gave that kind of detail in the list of bills. In fact, on the agenda, it says "please approve the list of bills attached", and the public doesn't get an attachment.

It's great to see a school board member helping out in the schools, and it's good to see the H&S compensating him, but Roth should have recused himself from the voting, and he can take offense to what was said. With the info the public was given, and the history of MSD, is nepotism a really far stretch? No.

- Circle July 16th on your calendars. At 7:00 pm, at the High School LGI room, there will be the presentation on what is going on with the turf fields--where MSD stands, what we're going to do from here on out, and yes, something about the lights that should be a separate project but whatever. I think it's very important that the public shows up: the only way you will have your voices heard is if you show up and get informed. It's great that the internet gives everyone an opinion (including little ol' me!), but the one thing I can't stand is someone having an opinion of something they know little about and have no intention of getting more info on the problem. As usual, I will report on the project and what's going down, but I implore you; if you're reading this, and you want your voice heard, show up. Trust me, a blog only goes so far.

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